Do what scares you

do what scares you digital work art by Yukari Wilson using ipadpro, adobe draw, ipencil in 2018 795x597

“Just do it, just do it, do it” – Starsky & Hutch (Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson version)

There are a lot of things I’m not good at.

Talking to strangers, diving into open water, crow position and the list goes on.

The thing is, I don’t want to just not be good at something because Richard Branson and many other people said something along the lines of,

“Life is outside your comfort zone.”

I have been consciously nudging myself out of my comfort zone so that eventually my comfort zone gets bigger and bigger.

I wrote-drew this to remind myself, encourage myself and others to take chances and challenge yourself.  Fear is the only thing that stops you!

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About Yukari

About Yukari

Born in Japan, grew up in Australia and forever a lover of drawing and storytelling. Currently living in Tokyo with a passion for spreading multilingual picture books for little ones. Find out more about Yukari.