Eccentric trio

crazy hat baby custom greeting card by Yukari Wilson - color pencil drawing 795x597

Eccentric trio

One of my husband’s really good friends from university and his wife had a baby boy.  We wanted to send a personalised baby card so we brainstormed some design ideas that will capture the couple’s eccentricity, my husband and his friendship (and their inside joke) and not be a cookie-cutter baby card.

crazy hat baby custom greeting card by Yukari Wilson - color pencil drawing initial sketch on ipad 795x597

Getting the design right digitally

I digitally doodled and worked with my husband as my ‘client’ and created this custom baby card.

I like its simplicity, playfulness, and boldness that I think encapsulates the happy couple and their growing family.

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About Yukari

About Yukari

Born in Japan, grew up in Australia and forever a lover of drawing and storytelling. Currently living in Tokyo with a passion for spreading multilingual picture books for little ones. Find out more about Yukari.