I’ve been waiting for you | まってたよ

Cover of I've been waiting for you まってたよ bilingual picture book by Yukari Wilson

I’ve been waiting for you

Rabbit patiently waited for a bus to arrive and bread to be baked, but what is something Rabbit cannot wait?

I’ve been waiting for you” is a story about patience and anticipation written in both English and Japanese in a single book that allows learning languages more accessible.

Find out what Rabbit cannot wait by purchasing your copy of I’ve been waiting for you today and create precious moments with your little ones!

We hope this book becomes an addition to your child’s library that is read over and over.

Created for newborn to 1 year old, the illustration is bold and bright to help with baby’s eyes to focus and to develop.

Illustration excerpt of I've been waiting for you まってたよ bilingual picture book by Yukari Wilson









Page excerpt of I've been waiting for you まってたよ bilingual picture book by Yukari Wilson

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