Now, it is time to sleep | 今からおねんねのお時間

Now, it is time to sleep

Look, the moon is out.
Now, it is time to sleep.

”Now, it is time to sleep” is a rhythmical story about a bear, a mouse and other animals getting ready to sleep.  It can be read in both English and Japanese in a single book, fostering language development.

Find out when is the time to sleep by purchasing your copy of ”Now, it is time to sleep” today and I hope it becomes one of the regular bedtime stories your little one falls to sleep listening to.


ほら、お月さま が 出て きましたよ。
今 から、おねんね の お時間。



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About Yukari

About Yukari

Born in Japan, grew up in Australia and forever a lover of drawing and storytelling. Currently living in Tokyo with a passion for spreading multilingual picture books for little ones. Find out more about Yukari.