Sad songs are comforting

sad songs are comforting - digital illustration by Yukari Wilson using ipad pro, adobe draw and ipencil 795x597

An illustration inspired by a conversation with a friend

At my old work, I was the rare breed called “feeler”.

Surrounded by cold-hearted thinkers (this is according to Myer Brigg’s personality breakdowns and if you haven’t done the test, try it out! This 16personalities website is really in depth and I really enjoyed reading it) not many people really got it and often they joked that I’ll just cry about anything and everything.

Perhaps because I joked about this, my friend asked if I listen to sad songs or if I get emotional listening to songs?

I didn’t need a second to think about this and we chatted about listening to sad songs for a bit.

This conversation made me think about how sad songs are comforting.

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About Yukari

About Yukari

Born in Japan, grew up in Australia and forever a lover of drawing and storytelling. Currently living in Tokyo with a passion for spreading multilingual picture books for little ones. Find out more about Yukari.