Sydney Harbour view
No matter how amazing the sight, the smell or the sound, the daily exposure can dilute its beauty. I think I am guilty of that.
Yes, yes, it’s the world famous Sydney Opera House right in front of me. Yes yes, that’s world famous Sydney Harbour Bridge right in front of me.
And yes, that’s the beautiful Sydney Harbour and Sydney CBD right in front of me.
Visiting family members, friends and sometimes an uber driver reminds me of how lucky I am to wake up to this view every day.
However, I don’t always take it for granted because I know that my time here in this apartment with a magnificent Sydney Harbour view, my time in this city that I have called home for nine years and my time to have time to soak up this view is limited.
Before we call somewhere else home, I wanted to capture our Sydney while I was totally immersed in our lives here.
I painted the Sydney Harbour using watercolour to capture its fluid and relaxed vibe for my husband and my first wedding anniversary in March 2018. An appropriate ‘paper’ gift to capture and treasure our present moment.
From now on, no matter which continent and no matter what our new view from our temporary house may be, we’ll always be transported back to the city where it all started for us.
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About Yukari
Born in Japan, grew up in Australia and forever a lover of drawing and storytelling. Currently living in Tokyo with a passion for spreading multilingual picture books for little ones. Find out more about Yukari.