My guess is that more tourists have visited Uluru in the centre of Australia than the residents of Australia themselves.
That’s how it was for my family who has lived in Australia since 2001.
Naturally, we’ve heard of the big rock, we’ve seen a ton of pictures that equates to its own weight. Yet, we never took the plunge to get scorched under the harsh Australian sun to check out the rock….until October 2017.
There was a flight deal and I suggested to my parents and my husband that we should take advantage of it.
We warped into a totally new world during our three days in the outback. We woke up before dawn to watch the sunrise:
…hiked for a couple of hours, napped, rode a camel:
…and enjoyed each other’s company.
A lot happened during 2017 but focusing on the adventure together in the outback felt like a no-brainer to paint it for an end of the year card to my parents.
I tried to capture the simplistic beauty of the country and the joy we shared in a short getaway.
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About Yukari
Born in Japan, grew up in Australia and forever a lover of drawing and storytelling. Currently living in Tokyo with a passion for spreading multilingual picture books for little ones. Find out more about Yukari.