What color will they become? | 何色になるんだろう

Cover of What color will they become_ 何色になるんだろう? bilingual picture books by Yukari Wilson-min

What color will they become?

I was given 3 tulip bulbs.
Red, yellow, pink; what color will they become?

A story about curiosity and creativity told in both English and Japanese in a single book that allows learning languages more accessible.

Find out what colors the tulips become by purchasing your copy of What color will they become? today and create precious moments with your little ones!

We hope this book becomes an addition to your child’s library that is read over and over.

Excerpt of a girl in What color will they become_ 何色になるんだろう? bilingual picture books by Yukari Wilson


チューリップ の 球根 を 買って もらった。

赤、黄色、ピンク、一体、何色 に なるん だろう?





Excerpt page from What color will they become_ 何色になるんだろう? bilingual picture books by Yukari Wilson

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