Zadar sunset
During the coronavirus/covid-19 state of emergency in Japan, like many, I stayed at home day after day, weeks after week.
Travelling isn’t a possibility for the near future so I reflected on some of the beautiful holidays I was lucky enough to go.
Flicking through the hundreds of holiday snaps, this one caught my eyes:
We road tripped around Croatia back in 2017 after my sister’s wedding in Germany. During this road trip, we visited Zadar to witness “the most beautiful sunset in the world” according to Alfred Hitchcock and it didn’t disappoint.
The warm summer air with happy holidaymakers chilling along the promenade with no place to rush to but simply to enjoy the sunset, Sea Organ serenading us while we saw nature’s light show.
To show my gratitude for the many holidays I was able to go and to spruce up our home where we spend 95% of our time now, I decided to paint the sunset painting.
I used acrylic paint and was conscious of creating a strong contrast to make the sunset appear squintingly bright against the soon-to-be the night sky.
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About Yukari
Born in Japan, grew up in Australia and forever a lover of drawing and storytelling. Currently living in Tokyo with a passion for spreading multilingual picture books for little ones. Find out more about Yukari.