Last week, I discovered Honor Eastly. She’s a podcaster, writer, professional feeler, artist and a mental health advocate.
I listened to a few of her podcast, “Being Honest with my Ex” and I found the podcast concept brutally honest but not a ‘reality show style peek into someone’s private life because they want to become famous and make money’. It’s raw that these two creative people opened up about their relationship that didn’t work out and invites people to listen to their stories.
No matter what their pursuit is (Peter C Hayward on the podcast was a professional mind controlling incest erotica novelist), people who pursue their passion no matter what is so admirable and inspiring. They continue to nurture and grow their passion even if it means they stray away from the norm and even if it’s not financially fulfilling from the start. Her pursuit and dedication to her passion led her to her subsequent podcast, “No Feeling is Final” which was made with Australia’s national broadcaster.
I skimmed through some of their endnotes and an interesting article title caught my eyes.
The article started off with a story about Jack and his life, accompanied by a pretty crude stick figure probabl drawn using windows paint. In short, Jack isn’t overly happy with today but is dreaming of a fantastic future. Eventually, he’s living out his fantastic future and loving his life but gradually, his days feel ordinary.
“So while thousands of Jack’s Todays will, to an outsider from far away, begin to look like a complete picture, Jack spends each moment of his actual reality in one unremarkable Today pixel or another. Jack’s error is brushing off his mundane Wednesday and focusing entirely on the big picture, when in fact the mundane Wednesday is the experience of his actual life.” – Tim Urban
Tim Urban is the writer and the founder of the site where the article was published, Wait But Why coined it as the Pixel Theory where every single day is a pixel that creates a whole picture or a life.
Simple but so to the point. I have caught myself thinking “One day, I’ll be a full-time illustrator/artist!” but if I’m not drawing even a little every day, how can I ever reach my ‘one day’?
Rather than pursuing perfect, working towards your goal and nurturing your passion every single day builds up to something significant that shapes your life. Who knows, maybe one day, I can be like Honor Eastly doing something she believes in every day.
I’m grateful to find a bunch of insightful kick in the butt that pushes me to keep pursuing my passion because today makes my life.
Here’s the link to the full article, “Life is a picture, but you live in a pixel” on Wait But Why and if you’re curious about poly relationship or two ex talking about relationships and everything else, check out “Being Honest With My Ex“.
Did you do something that makes you happy and fulfilled?