Dec 6, 2020 | Artist I love
Since my last post, I have being a humble student. After dipping my toes in online learning with Domestika, I have dived into creative online learning with Skillshare. I have enjoyed a range of practical classes offered including drawing, digital art, photography,...
Jan 27, 2019 | Artist I love, Exhibition
He may look like Bob Dylan but Brett Whiteley is one of Australia’s most talented multi-disciplinary artist. Once dominated the Archibald Prize, hanging out with music legends including Bob Dylan (Janis Joplin babysat his daughter, Arkie!) but above all, he...
Nov 5, 2018 | Inspiration
Last week, I discovered Honor Eastly. She’s a podcaster, writer, professional feeler, artist and a mental health advocate. I listened to a few of her podcast, “Being Honest with my Ex” and I found the podcast concept brutally honest but not a...
Oct 12, 2018 | Inspiration
Advice. People give it to you even without being asked and internet is filled with advice and facts and knowledge. With internet flooded with information, it is also the perfect space for storing information by simply copying and pasting statistics and quotes for the...
Sep 2, 2018 | Inspiration
Art Gallery of New South Wales offers a free event called “Drop in and draw” every first Saturday of the month where a foldable chair and drawing materials are provided between 11am – 1pm to draw amongst one of the selected exhibition. On a beautiful spring day...